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"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2


What could an Obama win do to this country?
We shall see!!

August 5, 2008

I am sure that there will be those that will not agree with what I am going to say in this article. Some might be disturbed by the audacity of my delivering such a message that does not meet the liberal standard of political correctness. In fact, I’m sure I will violate the laws of political correctness to those that refuse to think for themselves.

Nevertheless, I am hopeful that many will see the insightfulness this message will be conveying.

As you ponder the message below, ask yourself these questions: (1) Could it happen? (2) Would it happen?

America is coming to a point in time and in her history where a possible, realistic and critical situation could come into play and must be examined by careful evaluation and judgment. If it is not, it could become a devistating one for America and Americans.

With a black candidate running for the highest office in our nation….President of the United States, I have a lot of concerns and fears for our country. I believe my concerns and fears are rational and valid.

Although Obama is the combination of the white and black races, to all, he is black….period.  This is because of his outward appearance.  I believe all of us have made the assumption that he is a black man because he is black. It doesn’t matter that there is white in his ancestry also. But, the truth is, Obama claims his race as black or African American and that's that!.

Its really no big deal, right? We will see later in this article, if it IS a big deal or not.

Since the time Barak Obama came onto the stage as a possible candidate for the race to the White House, the race card was set into motion. We have watched it played out during this battle between all the candidates for the past year.

From the very beginning, I have heard black people say that they were going to vote for Barak Obama because he is 'black' or “African American”.  So far, I have not heard a black person (or anyone for that matter) say that they were going to vote for him because he was a white man.

This is fascinating!  This is how I know that most, if not all, members of the black community and every liberal will vote for Obama, playing the race card.  Voting for him only because of his skin color.

What is so ironic, they boast of their racism for voting for him.  They make no bones about it. If a member of the black community says they will vote for Obama because he is black, that isn't being racist. Its perfectly okay....but if a member of the white community says they will not vote for Obama because he is a black man, to them, that is racist and not okay. Of course there's double standards when it comes to who is being racist.

To these people, it doesn't matter what this man stands for. It doesn't matter what his politics/policies are and what his future policies may be. It doesn't matter how much or how little experience he has had in the polititcal arena. He is black and that is all that counts; that is all they need to know to cast their vote!

You see, the liberals in the media and liberals surrounding Barak Obama are doing what they have set out to do. To make sure Americans see Obama as a "black" man. The media will keep the race card going all through Obama’s campaign and, if he wins the election, his being 'Mulatto' (black and white), would not fit into their agenda for playing their race card at every opportunity that comes. And, the opportunity to play it in a big way is comming.

Why do you suppose Obama refuses to share his black bloodline kinship with his white inherited kinship? He has agreed to accept the black stereotyping of his ancestry. He sees himself as a black man....which is neither here nor there, but you see, to play the race card, you can't very well correct the sterotyping, now can you.

The liberals have seen to it that the black communities have embraced Obama with the same cloak of hope as they had done with Martin Luther King Jr., years ago. To these folks, Obama is their only hope. This cloak of "hope" is nothing but a cover-up though. What most do not realize, this cloak of hope is nothing more than a cloak to cover-up the race card that will be used later....

Most won’t even see the significance of this until it is too late….

Years ago, I sadly watched as parts of Los Angeles were set on fire because a mob of  black citizens didn’t like the procedures by which officers of the LA Police Department handled a black man who was high on drugs and being chased down the neighborhood streets of LA for failing to stop while police sirens were blazing.  His name we all know because of how the news media pictured this event as a black racial issue and with police brutality overtones. We all remember the Rodney King case.

Isn't it ironic that Rodney King and Martin L. King, Jr. share the same last name? I'm just observing the coincidence. I just looked up the word in the dictionary and it says: "An event that might have been arranged although it was really accidental". That's interesting!

The news media was guilty of inciting an act of violence amongst the black race during the Rodney King case by their degradation, lack of respect; rude and discourteous comments toward the LA Police Department and its officers in this incident. This was purposely done. Their decrying police brutality and corruption within the LA Police Department were a sure sign of ‘inciting’ a race of rioters to do acts of violence. Everything was done to play the race card to ignite hate feelings and to pit the black race against the white race (or anyone that wasn't black).

What followed? The playing of the race card set into motion a wave of rioting. California's burning was the result and no accident! Businesses were looted and set on fire to burn to the ground. Many were hurt.

Of course, the liberal and biased news medias went unpunished.

I don’t want to go into the pros and cons of the LA riots and Californias' burning. That was in the past, even though it is relevant to the point I will be making in this article.

There was another incident that happened, which for many, sent chills down our spines and we were horrified at what this man did. This is the OJ Simpson case.   We all know how that turned out.  Not well for the American citizens, but very well for OJ and his team of lawyers.

Nevertheless, most have forgotten how the news media tried to incite the black race to do acts of violence by bringing into question the LA Police Department's integrity once again.  The officers and their actions were degraded and their worth, character, and honor were trashed by the news networks.

Blood was boiling and anger ignited from the black communities. The race card was working as usual.

During the OJ trial mockery, there as another element that has been forgotten by most and that was the many calls for violence from the black communities if OJ was convicted of this crime of brutal murder. The outcry of threats that cities were going to be torched like during both the King episodes, (but on a much larger scale), was rearing its ugly head again.

Southern California (and who knows where else, was saved from burning), thanks to the initiated race card which lead to the release of OJ Simpson.

Let's take a memory trip back to 1968 and Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assassination. The assassination led to a nationwide wave of riots. Civil unrest affected at least 110 U.S. cities. Washington, along with Chicago and Baltimore, was among the most impacted.

The Washington, D.C. riots of April 4-8, 1968
On Sunday, April 8, twelve had been killed (mostly in burning homes), 1,097 injured, and over 6,100 arrested. Additionally, some 1,200 buildings had been burned to the ground, including over 900 stores. Damages reached $27 million. This can be estimated to be equivalent to over $156 million today. The riots utterly devastated Washington's inner city economy.

Baltimore Riots of 1968
Escalated rioting was incouraged by black leaders. By the time the rioting was over, 6 people were dead, 700 injured, 4,500 arrested and over a thousand fires set. More than a thousand businesses had been looted and/or burned. Many of which never reopened. Total property damage was estimated at $13.5 million (1968$).

Louisville riots of 1968 - Louisville, Kentucky
Much of the protesting was for other reasons, not just the assination of King.   Threats coming from several community leaders, inciting their followers to the possibilities of more disturbances in the future, were booming across the national news airwaves, and the race card was there for all to see and hear.

By midnight, rioters had looted stores, overturned cars and started fires. Two black teenagers had died, $200,000 in damage had been done and the riots continued to rage the next day.

The point I want to make is this. What will happen when we are faced with a situation that influences our black citizens to go on a rioting spree of torching our cities, our cars or our homes?

Oh no, you say!   We are much more civilized today! 

Are we?

Let's say Obama is elected our President by some stroke of fate in November. God forbid….but say he is.

What would happen if Obama, while as President, chose the path of Bill Clinton (lying under oath, obstruction of justice, adultry, boldly lying to the American people...etc.) and bringing on impeachment proceedings as Commander-in-Chief?   In any given situation, how do you suppose the race card would be played out in Obama’s case?  

Let’s not forget how unrelenting the news networks were on behalf of Slick Willy and how the Clintonite followers believed he did nothing wrong while in the White House.

Clinton, a 'white man' disgracing the highest office of the United States of America by breaking laws, was exonerated by his liberal following. Self-appointed King Slick Willy could do no wrong!  He was innocent in all his shady escapades and slapped on the wrist....remember?

Put Barak Obama in this situation. What do you suppose the outcome would be? The networks would have a field day with Barak Obama as President by playing the race card to the hilt while they incite
hate amongst the black communities.  

Most conservatives would expect this.   It would be inevitable.   After all, the “presumptive heir to the presidency throne”, the liberals and news networks have been creating for the past year (Senator Barack Obama), will have to be defended. The only way the liberals could defend him would be by playing the race card.

Led by the NAACP, I guarantee the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are licking their lips just thinking of the possibilities as they picture money flowing into their bank accounts.

I predict that any controversial situation, questionable action, unpopular legislation, objections or criticism of Obama and his Robinhood band of liberals, while President, will become a race card issue.
If Republicans and conservatives put enough pressure on Obama and the democratic lead Congress, the black community's tempers would be ignited and the liberals and news networks would fan the flames.

Any form of opposition or disapproval toward Obama will be seen as hate and racial.

He has already made it clear how he believes the case for reparations should be pursued with not only words but with DEEDS. Compensation (tax dollars) from every ‘non-African American’s salary would be demanded until the monetary debt is paid.

If Obama were to advocate reparations, arguing a case for it knowing he would be strongly opposed by Republicans and conservatives, what do you suppose the outcome would be?   What would be the fury of the black communities and some reparation diehards like the NAACP and the ACLU? I have no doubt that, at some point in his presidency, he will try to do this.

Would our cities burn to the ground as threatened in the past? Every time we hear and see a case where there is presumed police brutality against one in the black community, even with the absence of proof to the contrary, we see Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the NAACP and the ACLU leading the pack of inflamed black communities.

I have no doubt that anything Barak Obama does in word or deed and is challenged or opposed, (if he wins the presidency), will bring a backlash throughout this nation. Every unforeseen development
and/or opportunity will be met with a race card vengeance.

God forbid, Obama ever suffers the same fate as John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan or Martin Luther
King Jr., while campaigning or "if", (by some unfortunate, unfavorable outcome), he were to become President. He would be "martyrized" by the liberals (both government and media), along with the leaders of the pack,
Al Sharpton, Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Jackson, Kweise Mfume, and Marion Barry, to inflame his following mourners.

If Barack Obama loses the 2008 election, a liberal hell will break lose with the “race card” being played. The good ol' socialist news media has been preparing the American masses, (especially the African American masses), for the RACE WAR to follow. A war "if he wins" and a war "if he doesn't win".

So, to the two questions I asked earlier in this article, (1) Could it happen? (2) Would it happen?

My answer to both would be a warning of YES, YES, YES!


The cost, either way, is going to be high, whatever happens.

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